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Module 4 Portfolio Milestone

Module 4 Portfolio Milestone

Q Revised Topic and Outline Overview HUM101 requires a Final Portfolio Project. This project will focus on an issue (social, professional, or personal) that you wish to investigate critically. Please read the full Portfolio Project description in the Module 8 folder page to preview your Portfolio Project assignment. Also, review the Portfolio Project grading rubric, which you can also access in the Module 8 folder. For this Portfolio Milestone, you will submit your revised topic and a draft outline of your Final Portfolio. Directions: Include the following in your milestone submission: • A 2-page outline of your project which includes: o Refer to the CSU Global Writing Center’s tips on how to form up an outline. o Use the CSU Global Writing Center’s outline template for a good start. o Main points and sub-points o One paragraph describing your revised topic selection and a research question OR a thesis statement that you will use critical thinking skills to investigate. o One paragraph describing how you will use the intellectual standards to critically investigate the topic. If you need assistance with your writing style or you need writing tips or tutorials, visit the CSU Global Writing Center. Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment. Note: Portfolio Milestones are due during the weeks they are assigned; however, Milestones may be submitted up to 7 days after the due date with no penalty and up to 14 days after the due date with a 10% penalty. Reference: Steiner-Williams, J. (2014, August 18). Developing a thesis statement [Video]. LinkedIn Learning. Rubric HUM101 Mod 4 PM HUM101 Mod 4 PM Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequirements 10 to >8.0 pts Meets Expectation Includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 8 to >6.0 pts Approaches Expectation Includes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 6 to >4.0 pts Below Expectation Includes some of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 4 to >0 pts Limited Evidence Includes few of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 10 to >8.0 pts Meets Expectation Demonstrates strong or adequate knowledge of the materials; correctly represents knowledge from the readings and sources. 8 to >6.0 pts Approaches Expectation Some significant but not major errors or omissions in demonstration of knowledge. 6 to >4.0 pts Below Expectation Major errors or omissions in demonstration of knowledge. 4 to >0 pts Limited Evidence Fails to demonstrate knowledge of the materials. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates college-level proficiency in organization, grammar and style. 5 to >4.0 pts Meets Expectation Project is clearly organized, well written, and in proper format (including APA as applicable) as outlined in the assignment. Strong sentence and paragraph structure; few errors in grammar and spelling. 4 to >3.0 pts Approaches Expectation Project is fairly well organized and written, and is in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Reasonably good sentence and paragraph structure; significant number of errors in grammar and spelling. 3 to >2.0 pts Below Expectation Project is poorly organized; does not follow proper paper format. Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and paragraph development; numerous errors in grammar and spelling. 2 to >0 pts Limited Evidence Project is not organized or well written, and is not in proper paper format. Poor quality work; unacceptable in terms of grammar and spelling. 5 pts Total Points: 25 PreviousNext

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